The Nordic Agri-Food Laboratory focuses on health issues and food-related needs identified by communities in Northern Quebec. Spanning two years, its coordination is led by the Centre for Social Innovation in Agriculture (CISA), in collaboration with Centre d'expertise en agriculture biologique et de proximité (CÉTAB+) and École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS). The lab also brings together around 20 partners, primarily community organizations, as well as education and health stakeholders from Eeyou-Istchee Baie-James, Côte-Nord, and Nunavik (see the list below).
Project Objectives
The main goal of this project is to support local agri-food initiatives by collaborating with them to assess community needs and experiment with proposed solutions. This action-research initiative aims to place participants at the center of a learning process that fosters understanding and ownership of key issues. Ultimately, the project seeks to establish a network of autonomous actors capable of sharing and co-creating knowledge and practices tailored to northern agri-food systems.
Regional Partners :
- Société d’aide au développement des collectivités de (SADC)
- Administration régionale de la Baie-James, Pôle jamésien en économie sociale (PJES)
- Un projet de serre avec accompagnement a été réalisé en collaboration avec un responsable de la communauté
- Comité bénévole pour le projet de serre
- Village nordique (NV) de Kuujjuaq
- Maison supervisée (Ippigusugiursavik)
- École primaire Pitakallak et secondaire Jaanimarik (Kuujjuaq)
- Solidarité Alimentaire Matagami (SAM)
- Centre Uni-Vers-Elles
- Société d'aide au développement des collectivités (Comité de bénévolat - SADC)
- Centre régional de santé et de services sociaux de la Baie-James (CRSSSBJ)
- Stephen Grasser, responsable d'un projet de serre communautaire