Supporting the establishment of the next generation of farmers is strategically important for food security and territorial development. Among the initiatives emerging to address the evolving needs of a changing agricultural workforce are agricultural business incubators, which are gaining increasing interest. However, these incubators face various challenges in their startup and operations.
To tackle these challenges, incubator leaders and managers have worked to create a network to share experiences, develop shared tools and standards, and enhance recognition of their work. Since 2019, the Social Innovation Centre for Agriculture (CISA) has been supporting the co-construction of this network. In 2023, Réseau Racines was formalized as a non-profit organization (NPO). Until a permanent team is established within the organization, CISA continues to coordinate its activities.
Project Objective
This project aims to support the members of Réseau Racines, Quebec's agricultural business incubator network, in experimenting with the operations of this new network and ensuring its long-term sustainability. As part of this initiative, the research team is assisting with the organization of the network’s inaugural events, as well as the co-creation and dissemination of shared tools.